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  1. Article

    Open Access

    Spin disorder control of topological spin texture

    Stabilization of topological spin textures in layered magnets has the potential to drive the development of advanced low-dimensional spintronics devices. However, achieving reliable and flexible manipulation o...

    Hongrui Zhang, Yu-Tsun Shao, **ang Chen, Binhua Zhang, Tianye Wang in Nature Communications (2024)

  2. Article

    Open Access

    Ordering of room-temperature magnetic skyrmions in a polar van der Waals magnet

    Control and understanding of ensembles of skyrmions is important for realization of future technologies. In particular, the order-disorder transition associated with the 2D lattice of magnetic skyrmions can ha...

    Peter Meisenheimer, Hongrui Zhang, David Raftrey, **ang Chen in Nature Communications (2023)

  3. Article

    Open Access

    Emergent chirality in a polar meron to skyrmion phase transition

    Polar skyrmions are predicted to emerge from the interplay of elastic, electrostatic and gradient energies, in contrast to the key role of the anti-symmetric Dzyalozhinskii-Moriya interaction in magnetic skyrm...

    Yu-Tsun Shao, Sujit Das, Zijian Hong, Ruijuan Xu, Swathi Chandrika in Nature Communications (2023)

  4. No Access


    Operando studies reveal active Cu nanograins for CO2 electroreduction

    Carbon dioxide electroreduction facilitates the sustainable synthesis of fuels and chemicals1. Although Cu enables CO2-to-multicarbon product (C2+) conversion, the nature of the active sites under operating condi...

    Yao Yang, Sheena Louisia, Sunmoon Yu, Jianbo **, Inwhan Roh, Chubai Chen in Nature (2023)

  5. No Access


    Non-volatile electric-field control of inversion symmetry

    Competition between ground states at phase boundaries can lead to significant changes in properties under stimuli, particularly when these ground states have different crystal symmetries. A key challenge is to...

    Lucas Caretta, Yu-Tsun Shao, Jia Yu, Antonio B. Mei, Bastien F. Grosso in Nature Materials (2023)

  6. No Access


    Coexisting ferromagnetic–antiferromagnetic state in twisted bilayer CrI3

    Moiré engineering13 of van der Waals magnetic materials49 can yield new magnetic ground states via competing interactions in moiré superlattices1013. Theory predicts a suite of interesting phenomena, including...

    Yang Xu, Ariana Ray, Yu-Tsun Shao, Shengwei Jiang, Kihong Lee in Nature Nanotechnology (2022)